In a time of just a few days, the World Sailing Board (WSB) will assemble in Madrid, Spain. The meeting at the time with a number of important items on the agenda.

This includes Submissions reviewing we have received. At a first glance many of the meeting discussions will be around adopting 2020 IOC agenda, focusing on growing participation of women, the governance our sport and the antitrust policy issues.
The structure of event for the 2024 Olympics is also scheduled to be discussed in the meeting, focusing on mixed events, gender equity and accommodating different physiques. Hopes are also there to see the submissions on the development of youth and the continued development of the Emerging Nations Program of the World Sailing, but with many programs still ongoing.
The event structure of world sailing
The working group of World Sailing has been working on the growth and development of a Strategy document of the World Sailing Event, addressing that the present structure of the event needs improvement. Continue reading